Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Taylor Swift handled that situation wiht dignity and pride, to be so excited about getting a video award of the year award, then be belittled by Konya west was awful.
He came out of the stands and took the mic out of Taylors hand and told her that benonyce's video was better than hers.
I dont fell he should be able to attend and award shows anymore.
On Jay Leno last night Jay made konya feel really bad, he told him that he had the pleasure of meeting his mother before she died and what would his mother think about his red crude and socially unacceptional behavior, Konya wanted to say he was sorry and had the nerve to act like he was gonna cry.thankfully beonyce gave Taylor her few mminutes of fame and took the fam off of herself. go Benonyce...what a classy woman .....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Prayer in school

What do yall think about prayer in school? I was raised that you say a belssing before you eat..Now in this day and age, you better do it very quietly or even in your head.
When I was in school, school was God based. We were taught about morals and about bibles, there were even religious classes that you could attend.
Now our generation of children are forbid to praise God in school,pray or even have a bible with them.
what has this world come to.When I grew up we played outside untill mamma made us come in, at times wishing we dint have to come in then.We found things to do with friends other than drugs and gangs and plotting things to do to people.
We were happy, rolled in the dirt many times, played and I remember my grampa even eating the mud pies we made.
Now everything is calorie counted and artificially sweetened, my grandpa would of loved for us to put some sugar on those mud pies to help the taste, much less the rocks.
Our children are encouraged to get into youth group with a religion base rather than get into the gangs.
we had junior achievement and other things to do.
we taught bible school to the little ones and that was fun.
We didn't have video games much less ones that are all about gangs and killing or blowing up things
We invited people to bible school and sometimes talked about what a good time we had at school the nextday at school.
Now our children can't pray,bless their food, read a bible at school and are taught that these things are bad.
When the lord finally calls me home I will be proud to say a blessing and talk about the bible.
I am not afraid to do that now.
Now our children are told that those kind of people are bible thumps and that is forbid in our school.
Suppose we had another comberbine at out schools, don't you think those poor children that were being shot and killed were praying for help.
That is the time that we need God and our schools to pray for those that were so unjustly shot at and killed.Lives taken for something stupid.....And those that sell drugs at school to make an easy dollar at another students expense as well as lives.
So tell me what do you think about the presidents NO PRAYER IN SCHOOL thing?
I will teach my children as well as my grandchildren to pray even if it has to be silent in their head or at a brisk whisper.............Patti

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

its hard to believe

Its hard to believe that all my brothers life is written in a check. I miss him so much but I am honered to have had him for as long as I did. He made me relize that my life isnt bad at all and I should be happy for all that God has given me. He made me relize that you can be gone in a winkof an eye, when God is ready for you its your turn and oh how I look forward to that day, just a little bummed today

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ode to my brother Mike

O.k. I am just starting out blogging so here we go. I follow my sisters blogs counting my abundant blessings, and am trying to learn how to do this.
I also lost my brother to kidney cancer in July. It was a very challenging thing for our family to go through.
We tried to give my brother the best time that he had left,by showing him love and giving up many many hours of time with him. My family and I took turns being with him untill the lord took him home.He was a very blessed man that the Lord used in many ways. He touched so many people in the two years that he had left with us.He was a celebrate recovery affiliant and touch oh so many lives. I Miss him so much.
He lived with me for the last 4 months of his life, having to be fed and bathed yet never complained about being sick, always smiling. He often wondered why the Lord had delt him this hand but now I guess he knows.We learned so much from him. I learned to appriciate the little things in life and to be happy that I can get up every mornig and go to work. I would like to thank my sister Jacki and her husband Chuck for all the help as well as the help of my daughters and friends. if anything this tragedy brought our family back togher as our mother wished would happend.
o.k. enough about all that. give me some ideas about my page im lost.
untill tomorrow.....keep smiling